Friday, February 5, 2010

Fake and Gay

This is really true man. Like....seriously.

My college friend, lets just call her 'girlfriend no.1' or Gf1 for short. She just got hit by her EX last 3 nights! What a FAKE AND GAY person he is. He is FAKE because he disguises himself as a MAN and he is GAY because he treats girls(his ex especially) like things.

Ok, the story goes like this: that night, Gf1 is planning to go hang out with her friends, Gf2. While she and Gf2 waiting for Gf3 inside the car, suddenly RIP(her ex...yes R.I.P) taps the window of the car signalling her to come out n talk for a minute. The Questioning session begins with him asking her

"Why do u ignore me?"....The answer is obvious:

'Why the hell should i NOT ignoring an a**hole like u?'

Is what i hope she would say but i think she is too nice. She just brush him of with a simple answer. not sure what it is though but he snapped.

RIP then took Gf1's handbag and quickly get on his car. Gf1, have no other choice but to follow him into the car to get her handbag back BUT right after she gets on the car, RIP press the throttle pedal making the car starts to move.

While on the road, RIP searches inside the bag as if HE is a drug addict looking for a heroin. After he finishes his through scanning on Gf1's handbag, RIP starts scanning the INBOX of Gf1's handphones! He then found out a couple of messeges from Gf1's male friends. His blood than reaches his head and he explodes. He unleashes his anger on Gf1 by punching and pulling her hair VIOLENTLY. Gf1 have no choice but to jump out of the car to escape from RIP.
Shes not badly injured physically though(thank goodness) and for emotional comment. sorry guys.

Whats the problem with that dude?
Why is he acting like a kid?
What is his brains made of?
Does he have SQUAIDS? coz i heard it is a serious sh**!

So many Question!! phew...i think thats it for now. See u guys on the next post.
Until then, keep on trollin!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe "rip" saw something in "gf1"'s textbox that would make any man go nuts? Maybe she's cheating on him and it was evident in the texts he saw? I dunno... I'm not an advocate of domestic abuse, but if the mans got a reason, then the mans got a reason...

    BTW, I think you should rethink your reasoning for "fake and gay". As far as I know, gay people don't treat people like things, hahah.
