Sunday, February 28, 2010

Next time wont u sing with me?

Whats up guys. Been busy lately =P
Have u heard da word 'categorizing' before?
well, of course u have but what I'm tryin to say ere is not about categorizing things but instead, I'm talkin about categorizing humans/individuals.

This post is closely related to my previous post about discrimination between humans if u still remember it. Its just closely related. U'll understand soon enough. =)

We humans often make mistakes without us even realizing it. Yea, of course we'll think what we're doing is right UNTIL others tell u that what u r doing is actually wrong. So, here we already categorized which is right n which is wrong. This type of categorizing is acceptable because...its obvious dammit. =P

What is NOT acceptable is categorizing individuals dat u call 'friends'. For example, Old friend with New friend:

"They're just an OLD friend of mine. They have no meaning in my life now."

"I don't need OLD friends. I have NEW friends that can replace u guys. BUZZ OFF."

weird n normal:

"They are weirdos. Get away from them."

"Fuck off Nerdy. Or I'll get dat Nerd-aids from u"

Good lookin n NOT:

"Model Face only ass! Go find ur self a mother duck ducklings!!"

"OMG~~is dat a moving Garbage??"

The rich n Poor:

"Bow before me u lowlifes!!"

"U poor-face have no right to talk to me. Fuck off!!"

"Those poor-faces r not worth it to take as friend."

Useful n Not:

"They r Important to me.....Without them, I cant finish my works."

"I befriend them just because they have rides. They're useless without it."

"Friends r like moving banks. U withdraw but neva bank in"

Nice examples troll. There u have it. These r just a part of categorization between friends. There r lots more but I thnk u can guess already. =) Categorizing is good but If u r too into it, Which means u put the element of discrimination into categorizing, then it is not good.

We as humans should Unite as one even if we came from different country, skin colors, nationality, language, and religion, We are still humans that have the same physical characteristic, n ALL of us have brains n souls. So why must the categoriziation continue? Let us hold hands n sing together.

"We r the World" by MJ

Next time, wont u sing with me? =)

See u guys next post. Till then, keep on trollin!

Friday, February 26, 2010


Whats up guys.
I'll try to make my posts as productive as possible starting as Ok, today, troll n I would discuss with u guys about crime(s).

"What? ur includin me midget? r u outta ur damn mind??"

Of course. What u r doing now is also considered a crime.

"Why? I'm just typing @55H0l3!!"

u r trolln. dats y.

According to Wikipedia:
Crime is the breach of rules or laws for which some governing authority (via mechanisms such as police power) may ultimately prescribe a conviction. Individual human societies may each define crime and crimes differently. While every crime violates the law, not every violation of the law counts as a crime; for example: breaches of contract and of other civil law may rank as "offences" or as "infractions".

To simplify it; Crime is almost the same as bad deeds. Robbing, Stealing, killing, violence, vandalism, n etc. To put it generally, all of them r crimes. We MUST prevent crime do-ers, or criminals in short, from roaming around doing whateva they want. Most criminals choose to start a crime act because of the easy money they can get from us; the law abiding citizens.

U need to do whateva u can,,,even if it look like there r no hope but u must not give up or u'll end up like peter parker from spiderman. I'm just sayin.

If u have the power to stop directly a crime from happening, just do it.

If u dun have the power to stop it directly, u still have ur mouth to negotiate with the criminal to stop the crime.

If u dun have both the above, just avoid doing crimes n influence ur friends to not do any criminal acts. If u dun want to raise a tree, u better not plant it from the beginning right?

So, dat is my opinion on what crime is n what shud we do. If u want to add anything, just give it to me on the comment section below.

Dats all fer tonite. see y'all next post. Till then, keep on trollin!

"I'm Innocent!!!!"

Ps: Watch the vid on how important it is to prevent crime. Even grandma knows dat!!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Here comes the heroo~~

*sound effects*

Wazzup guys! My internet just..well..u can say...revived... The connection is like a traffic light ya know!! Like it has a timer or sumtin. It really-really-REALLY annoys me. RAAAAAAAAARRRGHHHHH!!!!! ok..end of topic 1. Sigh..

"Shut up u midget"

Damn. *ignores* ok guys, Have u eva felt like u r inferior to others?

"No i dont. But I know u r inferior to me."

Say what? Dun say that like u know me.

"Thats wat u get for ignoring me for two posts! U gud fer nothin blogger!!"

Stop being so adopted troll!!

OK, Inferiority is the feeling of feeling inferior to other. Most cases of inferiority comes from a lack of self-confidence n etc. In short, its like an emotional wound.

"Just say its an internal wound u dumb blogger!"

shut it troll! Its not an internal wound and im not dumb! Its an emotional wound. In rare cases, Inferiority may cause trauma n other psychological diseases.

"err...Two camels in.."

I just said the fact idiot. its not an argument.

"W..We..Well, I know that."

Doesnt sound like it. Anyway, fighting of inferiority needs a lot of moral support. By fighting alone this enemy we call Inferiority,or ourselves in general, we cant just relying on our own strength. We need reinforcements called moral support from others.


What? Out of ammo troll? thats too bad. How about u go back home n have a lil "quality time" with ur mom? *Victory pose*

I think thats all for now. See y'all next post. Till then, keep on trolin!

"..I hope u'll get squaids..."


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Troll...

Whats happenin guys? It has been 3 days after my last post. My recent posts r mostly about 'emo' thingy, or myb some 'dark' posts. Well, not in this post ladies n gentlemen. If read my posts so far, you'll probably notice there r dialogues in them between me n my TROLL.

"What? ur talkin bout me?"

Yes, this guy. To differentiate between this squaid-infected-good-fer-nothin-TROLL and the-angelic-squaid-uninfected-cool-guy like me, simply look at the colors of our text.

"Whaddya mean by squaid-infected-good-fer-nothin-TROLL. Even my mom dont call me with dat name!"

The point is, I'm not your mom.

"Damn u! I hope u'll get squaids!"

Quit being so adopted troll!

"To camels in a tiny car!!"

Those jokes doesnt make sense unless u watched Equals Three. =P
Alright, now u know the differences. Like it or not, He's here to stay.

I think thats all fer now. See y'all next post. Till then, keep on trollin!

Ps 1: If u wanna know what Equals Three is, check this out:

Ps 2: To Azar, I apologise fer da confusions caused. Next time k.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Fakers be Gone!!

Now i feel like...

"Damn, u guys seriously ignoring me. Hey, every one have their own prob n fer yer info, my prob is u guys. Fakers!" what I'd like to say. I'm just sayin.

Stop lookin down on people u UPTOWN BASTARDS!! If this is a joke, its not even funny!

ok, I got low results for my tests back in highschool. So what?

Does that mean I'm stupid forever?
Does that mean I'm fine being ignored?
Does that mean I have squaids?

Screw u guys!! U guys r great friends if not bcoz of dat stat quo. Fine, just go around n ignore me! I hope u'll get squaids!

Well, thats it fer my angry+dissapointed post fer today. See y'all nxt post. Till then, keep on trollin!

One cannot be betrayed if One has no people

Every one of us must have been betrayed in our life at least once. It runs in our blood. Betrayal is one of the ways human have in order to survive in our own species that have the most advanced and perfect brain that can think and differentiate between what is good n what is bad unlike other living organisms that can only separate things to foods that can or cant b eaten, male or female for mating, what time to start hibernate n other simple stuff.

"betraying others is so much FUN!!"

screw you troll! what part of betrayal is fun??

"I can messed up someone else's life, i can also use them for my own profit, In short, i can gain a lot by betraying others" *grin*

damn...u always have such twisted ideas. I'm glad u r just a troll in my blog posts.

"I am??"

(ignoring) Ok, where were we? owh right. Basically, betrayal is a common things humans does from the beginning of time till now: In Islam, how Qabil betrayed his brother Habil by killing him or in Christian, how Judas betrayed Jesus into the hands of Roman authorities.

Even the big religious figures does betray others. Remember, where theres trust, there must exist betrayal if not in present, it may happen in the future. we can however prevent ourselves from getting betrayed:

Live by yourself. As the title suggests, U cant be betrayed if u r the only person existed right? but of course, we would feel extremely lonely. Humans need interactions with other human beings in order to survive. This can be proved by one of the Mythbusters experiment(but i cant remember which episode).

I think thats all for today. Thanx fer readin. See y'all next post. Till then, keep on trollin!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Last -emo- post...hopefully

I am like a retriever,
the one I admired,
the one i pledged my loyalty,
the one I loved,
is my master,
who never even want to look at me,
who would only want to turn her eyes
on Samoyed,
the white and luxurious,
most expensive dog in the world,
which is owned by another person...

Well, i guess thats it fer da -emo- posts. sorry fer that. I was juz expressin myself. =)

In case you don't know, a retriever is a type of a common dog found in US. Below is the picture of a golden retriever:

And below is the Samoyed:

Cute right? Take this pic as fan service k. See u guys next post. Till then, keep on trollin!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I am who i am

I'm a person,
as dark as the night,
without the moon to give black and white to the world,
as bright as the day,
without the sun to give colors to the world,

I'm a person,
as simple as a rock,
without anything interesting to give,
as complex as a maze,
without any clue of solving,

I'm just a human,
that have both hearts and soul,
devoted to a person,

a person,
as bright as the moon,
which would give black and white to the world,
as bright as the day,
which would give colors to the world.

I'm just a human,
who's stays in the dark,
without anything interesting to give,
without anyone understands,
without any help,

I'm just a human,
who needs light,
who needs friends,
who needs warmth,
that would push him out of the dark,
and live under light
once again.


-See ya'll next post. Till then, keep on trollin-

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Do u have something special in your life? Of course u do. at least 1 item. Right?
Well, what makes it so special to u?

"Its my lucky underwear. Every time I wear it, something good happens to me." u wash it?....on second thought, don't answer that.

" I.."

NO!! Don't answer. Its not good for the heart..the readers heart i mean. Ok, back to the main topic. u mayb have special item(s) or special person(s). What makes them special? I know, I know, the answers varies from person to person.

BUT generally speaking, those special people and items r special to u because they r different from others right? Compare this two pictures:

and This:
Are there any differences? no? Of course its the same. There r not a single differences that make it special. How about comparing the above pic, with this>>
See what i mean? This makes the third pic a special pic compared to the other two.

Now u know what makes them special to u. The 'specialness' of a person n items are mostly determined by their numbers. For example, if everybody in the world are as powerful as superma, that makes superman..not super anymore right? He would just be clark kent, a powerful citizen like any other citizens of the world.

So, treasure ur special person(s) or item(s). If they are special to u, it doesnt mean it is not special to others =)

C ya'all next post. till then, keep on trollin!

Monday, February 8, 2010


so, i gave u lots of question last post. This time I will also give question but now with my own answer from my own perspective n observation. Enjoy reading!

what is 'friend(s)'?
-a high level of bond between 2 or more living beings compared to stranger n acquaintance.
-to most people its like toilet paper. After u finish using them, u just throw them away.
-can b acquired n collected easily

What is 'close friend(s)'?
-A relationship between 2 or more living beings that have more trust in their relationship.
-A type of bond that quite unstable>>part friend part precious friend.
-to most people its like a tv remote. If u r not using the tv, the remote have no use but if u r going to watch it, u really need the remote.

What is 'Best friend'?
-A strong bond between 2 or more living beings that have high level of trust between them.
-To most people its like the sea and the shore. its inseparable but its corrosive.
-best friends also can be rivals and even great enemy.
-Bcause of the high level of trust between them, its either they become more sensitive OR become bolder towards each other.

What is 'Boyfriend/girlfriend(s)'?
-its a relationship between a 2 genders made up of 2 persons.
-its level of bond is slightly higher or on the same level as bestfriend but lower than lovers level.

what is 'Lover'?
-its a mutual bond between 2 genders which usually ends up as marriage.
-there r also cases where they didn't get married but end up having childrens.
-the level of bond is on a different scale which u could say a special case.

what is 'special friend'?
-a unique type of bond between 2 or more living beings.
-its level is also on different scale coz its a special case.
-if u take 'lover as the sky, and boyfriend/girlfriend as the ground, 'special friend' is the cloud.
-the thin clouds r more to boyfriend/girlfriend and thick clouds r more to 'lover'.
-an example of thin clouds r usually exbf/exgf that get along after the break up and for the thick clouds r s*x friend...a friend that u need when u need some 'excercise' on the bed.

well, i think thats it. Sorry if im being too direct. its just my style. =P
see u nxt post. till then, keep on trollin!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

what? why? where? when? how?

1. Kind of a person do u call a 'friend', 'close friend', 'best friend' and 'special friend'?

2. Makes u think u are a good friend?

3. Type of a person is your best friend or a close friend?

1. do people need those u call -friends-?

2. the hell the so call -friends- stabbed ur back?

3. do ur best friend or close friend chose u as their best friend?

1. do u n ur -friends- first met?

2. are ur -friends- when u most need them?

3. could they hang out secretly with the -other- friend of yours?

1. Is the last time u see them smiling when they r with u?

2. Do u last see them telling the truth to u?

3. is the last time they txt, call, or greet u HONESTLY?

1. did this happen?

2. can this happen?

3. can u overcome this?

why do i ask these questions u ask? well, the answer is obvious:

"I just wanna know"

until next post.
til then, keep on trollin!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Fake and Gay

This is really true man. Like....seriously.

My college friend, lets just call her 'girlfriend no.1' or Gf1 for short. She just got hit by her EX last 3 nights! What a FAKE AND GAY person he is. He is FAKE because he disguises himself as a MAN and he is GAY because he treats girls(his ex especially) like things.

Ok, the story goes like this: that night, Gf1 is planning to go hang out with her friends, Gf2. While she and Gf2 waiting for Gf3 inside the car, suddenly RIP(her ex...yes R.I.P) taps the window of the car signalling her to come out n talk for a minute. The Questioning session begins with him asking her

"Why do u ignore me?"....The answer is obvious:

'Why the hell should i NOT ignoring an a**hole like u?'

Is what i hope she would say but i think she is too nice. She just brush him of with a simple answer. not sure what it is though but he snapped.

RIP then took Gf1's handbag and quickly get on his car. Gf1, have no other choice but to follow him into the car to get her handbag back BUT right after she gets on the car, RIP press the throttle pedal making the car starts to move.

While on the road, RIP searches inside the bag as if HE is a drug addict looking for a heroin. After he finishes his through scanning on Gf1's handbag, RIP starts scanning the INBOX of Gf1's handphones! He then found out a couple of messeges from Gf1's male friends. His blood than reaches his head and he explodes. He unleashes his anger on Gf1 by punching and pulling her hair VIOLENTLY. Gf1 have no choice but to jump out of the car to escape from RIP.
Shes not badly injured physically though(thank goodness) and for emotional comment. sorry guys.

Whats the problem with that dude?
Why is he acting like a kid?
What is his brains made of?
Does he have SQUAIDS? coz i heard it is a serious sh**!

So many Question!! phew...i think thats it for now. See u guys on the next post.
Until then, keep on trollin!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Squirrel Aids -Squaids-

SQUAIDS!! Its real and I heard thats some serious sh**!!


most of may know roughly what loneliness Is. You would probably say :

"yeAh~ loneliness is when u suddenly feel lonely. its normal."


"loneliness is gay"

or maybe

"those who fakes and are gay are loners who undergoes a phase called loneliness".

i'M just saying =)

well, none of the above are exactly true. to me, loneliness is a situation where u r abandoned or isolated by those who u call friends, best friends, and in a worst case scenario, your lover or your own family. simply put, loneliness is a situation u undergo after u have been abandoned/isolated by those that used to be very close to u.

for those who are so lucky that haven't tasted loneliness yet, u better not try n taste what LONEliness feels like. loneliness feels like its the end of the worLd already.

"but i have tasted what loneliness feels like. its not that bad. just hang out with the others and u r not lonely anymore"

is what u think rite? well, not to be rude but that is not true loneliness is. true loneliness can be achieved when u lost/got abandoned/isolated bY all the people dear to u.

"that doesnt sound so bad. i can handle it."

cut the cr*p. everything in this world needs others to keep on living or surviving. we humans cant live without Having a contact with other humans. For an example, u have many problems right now n u need to share it with someone else but all the people that used to be close to u have abandoned u. maybe u can go on for about a wEek n then u will start to breakdown.

"but I.."

shush!! I'm not done taLking....ok im done. See u next post. until then, keeP on trollin!