Light shines directly to my face as i switch it on. I tried to block the light and move away but soon realizes it was no use. I cant block the light. I don't have a body. I can see what is around me but i cant see myself. I open my eyes slowly and see the same scenery again. I am inside a small old house made of stone with just one dusty window and a wooden door. The house is so dark that a lamp is needed to light up the house. There was nothing inside that room except thick books..Lots of them. There are too many books in here that you could make a bed out of it. I reached for a book beside me. I try to read it but I cant. Why? I have a feeling I know how to read but why can't I read these books? I don't know how long I have been here and why I am here. Before I realize it, I'm here. Is this the world after dead? That cant be. If so, where are the other souls? I stared blankly into space..I cant hear anything else except the sound of the winds blowing. I looked outside through the dusty window. There is a wilted plants on the lawn and a huge stone wall around the house. I can't recall whether or not I have been outdoors in the world. Hence, I decided to go outside n have look. I move towards the door and I open it. As I open the door, winds from the outside gushes in to the house. Aahh...the air outside is so refreshing but the view is blocked by a very huge stone wall. Why is there a huge stone wall surrounding the small house? I observes the wall closely and realizes that it is combined with the part of the house as if the house is divided into two by the huge wall. and at the back of the house, there are fences surrounding a small opening on the wall. The opening is so roughly made as if the wall has been broken down by force from the inside. I want to look more closely at the opening but decided not to after looking at the fences. 'I'll check that next time' I thought to myself as I walk away. It is getting dark outside so I better get back into the house. When I stand in front of the door, I noticed that there is some sort of label on the wooden door. It has 7 alphabets. but I can only remember 2 words-->
F_ _ _ _D_
|--------------- \
| house | | <-- plan view of the house
|--------------- lawn |
|____ __________/
What is this place? Why am I here? what am I? There are so many unanswered question but for now, I think I'll try to sleep and hope that this would just be a dream...